Amsterdam Schiphol Airport is proposing to ban bizjets from 2025, with a stated aim of reducing noise levels and CO2 emissions in line with the Paris Climate Accords. Justifying the ban, the airport’s operator stated that bizav flights caused a “disproportionate amount of noise nuisance and CO2 emissions per passenger”. The statement went on to assert that bizav flights produce “around 20 times” more CO2 than commercial flights. The ban forms part of the airport’s environmental plan, which includes the cancellation of plans for a new runway along with a ban on non-emergency night flights. In response to the move, the European Business Aviation Association noted that: “Banning business aviation at Schiphol can lead to a significant loss of income for the Dutch economy, while the CO2 savings achieved by banning business aviation is minimal … Flights in our sector almost never cause noise nuisance because they are usually small aircraft.”