
EBACE 2024 – focused on the long-term sustainability challenge

The commitment to sustainability and to achieve net zero carbon emissions was the over-arching focus of this year’s European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE), held in Geneva from 28 to 30 May.

Security was massively stepped up at this year’s event following the breaches of the Geneva airport perimeter by environmental protesters last year. While there was no repeat, the agenda was firmly on focused on this single challenge as the bizav sector demonstrated its commitment to change.

This year’s EBACE was also notable for OEM absences. Neither Gulfstream nor Bombardier took space in the halls or static display. Both manufacturers had decided to focus on other smaller, more customer-centric events. As a result, the static display boasted just 30 aircraft, a fraction of its size in former years, and there was a notable absence of announcements from OEMs.

New technology was, however, on display throughout the conference. French start-up VoltAero showcased its full-scale Cassio 330 hybrid-electric aircraft, Germany’s Lilium displayed a full-scale mock-up of its electric vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft, and Toulouse-based start-up Beyond Aero exhibited the modified ultralight aircraft that flew in February with a small-scale powertrain relying on a hydrogen fuel cell.

While there was discussion of some short-term issues – supply of flight crew and access to airports for bizav aircraft – it was sustainability’ that dominated. The European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) announced it had joined the ‘Climbing.Fast’ sustainability initiative, which aims to help bizav achieve net zero by 2050.

“We are campaigning, leveraging our unique position to champion and deploy the initiative in Europe’s complex regulatory and political landscape,” said EBAA secretary general Holger Krahmer. “More than ever, our sector is increasingly under scrutiny, and it is vital to highlight the essential role we play in Europe’s socioeconomic landscape. Business aviation is not just about transportation. It’s a driver of economic growth, providing highly skilled jobs, fostering innovation, and supporting various industries.”

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