
Global Jet Capital – Bizjet market ‘continues to normalise’

Following its annual Business Jet Market Forecast, published just before EBACE, Global Jet Capital (GJC) has turned its attention back to look at the bizav market in the first part of this year. Its overall conclusion is that the bizjet market is continuing to return to ‘normality’ after the turmoil of the pandemic years.

In its latest Business Aviation Market Brief GJC headlines that Q1 2024 saw a small fall in flight operations YOY, a limited fall in preowned transactions, a gradual increase in available inventory and steady growth in OEM order backlogs. GJC noted: “As things stand, the industry is well positioned to weather any future economic downturn.” The report echoes WINGX in noting that overall traffic is 2% down compared to 2023 levels but goes on to note that these levels are 19% higher than those of 2019. This, said GJC, served to demonstrate “an enduring expansion of the user base for business aviation”.

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